One of our top priorities is your safety! We take extra precautions when traveling because YOU are our first priority. Below you will find several suggestions and tips that we use to help insure you make it to your destination without mishaps.
Use a seat belt!—driver and passenger(s).
Be well-rested prior to driving.
Being a sleepy passenger is okay - but being sleepy as the driver is a big no-no.
Avoid taking medications that make you drowsy.
Drowsiness can impair reaction times and cause you to fall asleep behind the wheel.
If you are impaired by alcohol or any drug (recreational or prescription), do NOT drive.
Avoid distractions, like adjusting the radio or other controls, eating or drinking, and talking on the phone for long periods of time.
Continually watch the roadway to be aware to situations requiring swift action.
Sometimes, knowing what’s coming is the key to avoiding a collision.
Stop about every 3 hours for a break. Get out of the vehicle to stretch, take a walk, and get refreshed.
Avoid aggressive driving by keeping your cool in traffic.
Count to ten
Be patient and courteous to other drivers.
Always remember, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Being nice behind the wheel can also help with the flow of traffic.
Do not take other drivers’ actions personally.
Reduce your stress by planning your route ahead of time (bring the maps and directions), allowing plenty of travel time, and avoiding crowded roadways and busy driving times
Call Reliable Medical Transport for your Non-Emergency Medical Transportation needs.

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